Developing a Domestic Violence Prevention and Assessment Program for Healthcare Settings


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Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $251.00.
Original price was: $349.00.Current price is: $254.00.
Original price was: $349.00.Current price is: $255.00.

The rise in domestic violence in our communities and within the workplace is well documents ed and continues to rise. The healthcare setting is especially vulnerable to this phenomena and it is incumbent on them to become familiar with the vulnerabilities as well as the best practice strategies for identifying potential issues, for training staff, for assessment of resources and for prevention measures.

Understanding the circle of control as it relates to domestic violence will provide the keystone to being able to address the program elements needed for prevention and response.

Both organizational and individual responsibilities will be explored toward reducing the likelihood of an event in your organization. This will include discussion about organizational responsibilities such as senior leadership support and commitment of resource.

This webinar will identify the key components of each of these five (5) elements:

  • Understanding the specific signs that could indicate the presence of domestic violence in both employee and patient populations
  • How to approach and discuss concerns and methods of referral for potential victims
  • Establishing a cross-functional Threat Assessment Team to lead the prevention efforts
  • How to identify and source both internal and external resources for potential victims
  • Develop specific security strategies to reduce the likelihood of an episode of domestic violence occurring on premises
Learning Outcomes:
  • The dynamics of domestic violence and the vulnerabilities within the healthcare environment for staff and patients
  • How to develop a training and awareness component to educate staff on how to recognize and respond to potential domestic violence situations
  • How to formalize and utilize an inter-disciplinary Threat Assessment Team to review situations and develop an action plan for each
  • How to identify both internal and external resources to assist the target and the organization in reducing the likelihood of a violent occurrence
Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Specific signs that could indicate the presence of domestic violence in both employee and patient populations
  • How to approach and discuss concerns and methods of referral for potential victims
  • Cross-functional Threat Assessment Team to lead the prevention efforts
  • How to identify and source both internal and external resources for potential victims
  • Develop specific security strategies to reduce the likelihood of an episode of domestic violence occurring on premises
  • Risk Factors
  • Indications prior to the violence
  • Proactive strategies to prevent domestic violence in healthcare setting
  • Best practices
  • Live Q&A session
Recommended participants:
  • Healthcare Executives
  • Front-Desk Office Staff
  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Non- Physician Practitioners
  • Safety and Security Officers
  • Medical Officers
  • Practice Managers
  • Safety Manager
  • Compliance Officers
  • Hospital Staff
  • Front line healthcare workers
  • Risk management
  • Human resources and security
  • Healthcare leadership personnel, especially in leadership roles in nursing
Presenter Biography:

Mike Cummings, CPP is a 50-year veteran of the private security field with the last 37 devoted to healthcare security. He led the security program for the largest healthcare provider in Wisconsin for 32 years before retiring and opening his own healthcare focused security consultancy. He holds a BA from Marquette University and a MA in Business and Organizational Security from Webster University. He has been Board Certified as a CPP (Certified Protection Professional) since 1986.


Additional Information:

After registration, You will receive an email with login information and handouts (presentation slides) that you can print and share with all participants at your location.

System Requirement:
  • Internet Speed: Preferably above 1 MBPS
  • Headset: Any decent headset and microphone which can be used to talk and hear clearly
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