Maximize Telehealth Reimbursement in 2025: Emergency Planning for your Telemedicine Program


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Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $251.00.
Original price was: $349.00.Current price is: $254.00.
Original price was: $349.00.Current price is: $255.00.

Emergency planning is an integral part of any healthcare delivery system and every healthcare system, physician’s office, outpatient clinic, home health agency, long-term care and skilled nursing facility has an emergency plan in place.

In an era where healthcare is increasingly digitized, the role of telemedicine has grown significantly. Telemedicine programs have made healthcare more accessible, especially in remote or underserved areas. However, the importance of emergency planning within these programs cannot be overstated. Emergencies may include emergency situations that arise in the course of providing care or during natural or man-made disasters or pandemics. Emergency planning with a telemedicine program is not just a theoretical exercise; it is a practical necessity in today’s world. Telemedicine has the potential to transform emergency response, making healthcare more resilient, accessible, and effective. As we continue to embrace digital health solutions, integrating telemedicine into emergency planning will be crucial for safeguarding public health and enhancing the overall resilience of our healthcare systems. This webinar will discuss the different types of emergencies that a telemedicine provider may face and give practical suggestions on creating an individualized emergency plan.

Learning Outcomes:
  • List one type of emergency that would require a specific plan for a telehealth program
  • List the 4 key elements that must be covered in a telemedicine Emergency plan
  • List at least 4 items that should be included in the basic information section of the plan
  • List at least 1 area that should be covered as part of an emergency plan that would be instituted as a result of an occurrence related to a patient virtual visit or RPM
  • List at least 1 reason related to your telemedicine program that would require emergency planning and an intervention plan
  • List at least 1 community disaster where your telemedicine program would be affected
  • List at least 1 intervention that would be part of your emergency plan based on the type of emergency
Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Why telemedicine programs need emergency planning
  • Types of emergencies of care where an emergency plan is needed
  • Patient emergencies
  • Program/provider emergencies
  • Local disasters
  • Regional/ National disasters
  • Emergency plan requirements overview
  • Details on 4 major requirements
    • Risk Assessment
    • Communication Plan
    • Policies and Procedures
    • Training and Testing
  • Examples of each type of disaster and sample outlines
  • Live Q&A Session
Recommended participants:
  • Disaster Preparedness Team Leaders
  • Quality Improvement Leaders
  • Population Health Directors
  • Telehealth/ Telemedicine Program Leaders
  • Clinicians
  • Physicians
  • Healthcare Administrators
  • Healthcare Clinical Leaders
  • Educators
  • Consultants
  • Hospitals and Private Clinics
  • Home Care Leaders
  • Hospice Leaders
  • Innovation Leaders
  • Innovation Developers
  • Care Transition Leaders
  • Health Care Educators
  • Care Coordinators
  • Compliance Officers
Presenter Biography:

Kathy Duckett, MSN, RN, has over 30 years of expertise in health care. She has received Excellence awards for developing innovative programs in telemonitoring and chronic care. Ms. Duckett owns K. Duckett Consulting LLC, a firm specializing in clinical, regulatory, financial, operations management, change management, and program development, including integrating technology throughout organizations to improve patient outcomes. Kathy started as a home care nurse and has experience in all aspects beginning as a home health nurse through Director of Population Health, Director of Advanced Care at Home, DON and COO. Ms. Duckett is an editorial board member of Home Healthcare Now, serves as the co-chair of the American Telemedicine Association’s Home & Community Telehealth Special Interest Group where she won the 2024 SIG Leadership award. She appears regularly as a speaker and panelist nationally and internationally on topics pertaining to e Care, integrated care management, telemedicine, home healthcare, and innovation in healthcare.

Additional Information:

After registration, You will receive an email with login information and handouts (presentation slides) that you can print and share with all participants at your location.

System Requirement:
  • Internet Speed: Preferably above 1 MBPS
  • Headset: Any decent headset and microphone which can be used to talk and hear clearly
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